Our newest monument, the Gold Star Memorial was created to honor the families that have lost loved ones in military service. This beautiful monument was made possible through the Hershel Woody Williams Foundation and Delaware Gold Star Families. The Gold Star first made an appearance during World War I, signifying the family’s pride in the loved one’s sacrifice rather than the mourning of their loss. A Gold Star also appears on the Memorial Wall, on the center panel.

"Man's greatest gift is embodied here - Service beyond and above, Willingness to give one's life for country, mankind, and love."
-Esther campbell Gates
The Gold Star Memorial Monument pays tribute to the sacrifices made by Gold Star Families who lost a loved one in military service to the United States of America.
The monument features four panels - the first depicts the heritage and patriotism of the State of Delaware. The second represents the loss borne by Gold Star families and the silent scars of war. The third represents the inspiration and courage of our Armed Forces, and the fourth represents the honor and remembrance paid to our fallen and the brotherhood forged of three friends who now rest side-by-side.
This monument was made possible through the efforts of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 83 Gold Star program, the Wilmington, DE, Gold Star Families Memorial Monument Committee, the DRBA, and the Hershel "Woody" Williams Medal of Honor Foundation, with the generous support of many organizations and individuals.

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