Eagle Statue Monument

Eagle statue Monument
In November 2003, this majestic eagle was dedicated to our Veterans, “Whose loyalty and service during times of war and peace define the character of this great Nation.”

As you're standing in Veterans Memorial Park, facing away from the Memorial Wall and looking back towards the Delaware Memorial Bridge, you'll see a majestic statue of an eagle, dedicated to all Veterans. Beyond its striking appearance, this Eagle statue also has an incredible origin story. Found, purchased, refurbished, installed and maintained completely by DRBA Maintenance employees led by Army Veteran Curt Esposito, this statue holds a special place in our hearts and in the park. Please take a minute and listen to Mr. Esposito tell the story in his own words....
This isn't the only Eagle to be featured in the park, however. Two smaller eagles greet you at the gate, and several others can be found throughout the park. Eagles are a strong and important symbol of military culture, they are our National Bird, and in many ways they are a symbol of our country.
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